One way of generating genealogical information is to download census data, in this case dating back to the 1930’s. My wife was very excited about her discoveries and the process had piqued my interest. I wondered what I might find out about the life of my 93 year old mother.
I pulled up the fifteenth census of the United States, completed on April 17, 1930. My mother was raised in Richwood, West Virginia. She lived with her grandparents during her pre-adolescent years. She and her grandparents lived on Boggs Street with her grandfather working on a dairy farm.
Although I was aware that my mother lived in West Virginia and resided with her grandparents, some of the census information was new to me. When I mentioned that I discovered that Mother’s grandfather was a dairyman, she perked up and began telling me stories about how she helped out on the farm by feeding the animals and milking the cows. When I mentioned to my mother that she lived on Boggs Street, she drew a blank. However, hours later, she called me back with renewed excitement to share her story. The street was named after the Boggs family who were their only neighbors on top of a hill in rural Richwood.
Life is a tapestry of memories, some which unfortunately go unspoken. Stories define the nature of our life, and link us to our history and our future. Memories are made of the stuff that illuminate our legacy.
Family stories help people become three-dimensional. They make our loved ones more than what we see on the surface. They change our perception of significant others. Memories clarify the experiences of our families, making our loved ones appear fuller, richer, with more emotional depth.
Family memories provide everyone with recollections that are treasures that can be recaptured. They can be entertaining, informational and fill in missing pieces about the nature of our history. Sharing stories can be therapeutic for the story-teller, helping them get closure regarding prior life events.
The story-teller passes down to other family members’ information and experiences that provide links to those who came before us. As we intently listen, we are able to integrate information which broadens our heritage and identity. We feel more complete as we gain new knowledge about traditions, experiences, and values from those who shaped our family heritage.
Family members who share their stories enrich relationship connections. Story-telling is an emotional experience and creates an opportunity for healthy bonding to take place. We only truly know an individual based upon the degree of emotional expressiveness disclosed. Story-telling provides ample opportunity to make this process happen.
When our parents or other family members share their recollections, it provides us with clues to the social-cultural history that serves as a foundation for our family heritage. We also get a glimpse of what our loved ones were like during different periods of their life. We are able to get a sense of how our family experienced life when members were younger or lived in a different era.
The expression of memories provides us with the wisdom of our parents. Stories are a catalyst for pulling our family history together so that it makes sense to us. We become more personally integrated, authentic and complete, while we are enjoying the fun of listening to interesting experiences from the past.