Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Running for political office has never been a wish that I aspired to pursue. God forbid that I would consider that with all the corruption and mud-slinging that goes on, reminiscent of this election cycle. However, I feel the need to go on record, and confess that I am a compassionate conservative - a progressive sort of conservative. So let me explain…

In my opinion, a true conservative is one who is dedicated to being cautious by nature and in principle. I consider myself a fiscal conservative because I balance my check-book and only spend what is within my means. I don't live extravagantly and have no credit card debt. I don't drive fancy cars and buy over-priced items. Contrary to this country I love, I balance my budget to the glee of my wife. I believe in "paying as you go” for social programs. This concept has worked marvelously for the Illinois Tollway and I believe that once again it should be adopted as a conservative governmental standard.

I believe that if we prioritized better, those who financially suffer could get relief. I am conservatively cautious about going to war. As we know, our current war is costing the taxpayers a lot of money, and I have concerns about why we went into Iraq (not Afghanistan) in the first place. I also wonder why we are still there. Can you imagine what we could do with trillions of dollars to build our country's infrastructure and assist in helping the poor and needy? Our national debt is skyrocketing, and this liberal policy goes against the conservative ideals of balancing the budget.

Conservatism is also about protecting things like the environment. I prefer to call it "creation care." When it comes to global warming, conservatism is at a crossroads. More and more business leaders, evangelical Christians and other progressive conservatives are calling for action to reduce the risks connected to man-made climate change. Unfortunately, more reactionary conservatives continue to attack those who act to reduce emissions, and belittle those who are concerned about our planet. One would assume that environmentalism would make conservatives enthusiastic. The root of conservative and conservatism is directly related to the word conservationism. So why is it that reactionary conservatives such as Ann Coulter, Dick Cheney, James Dobson and Jonah Goldberg are the loudest voices advocating recklessness? What is conservative about “sticking up your nose” at the preponderance of mainstream scientific evidence?

As a conservative, I believe in moral integrity and family values. I don't like politicians who lie and makes it very difficult to decide who to vote for in the upcoming political election. I don't like congressmen, governors, mayors and presidents who lie about their sex lives when it affects the American public. I am also morally outraged by those who use their political power to lie, stonewall and cover-up their egregious mistakes and crimes.

If I were a progressive conservative Christian preacher, anybody could come to my church as long as they left their guns at home. I would welcome the sick, the needy, the gays, the Muslims and atheists. I would preach a Gospel based upon the principles of love, compassion, tolerance and encouragement. There would be no divisiveness in my message. In the pulpit, I would not deliver hatemongering, bigoted snippets like Reverend White, Parsley and Hagee. I would not act morally superior, but show respect for all faith traditions realizing they all share kernels of truths that bind people together. However, I would exercise my right to share truth and faith as I see it (the Gospel) and hope that others would sense the same yearning that I experience for knowing God in a more intimate way. In my church, if a young girl was pregnant, I would welcome her with open arms so that she didn't feel the need to slither away and impulsively terminate her pregnancy - that's pro-life in action.

As a progressive conservative, I feel a need to show by my behavior that I truly believe what I say. I can usually reconcile my beliefs with my experience. However, there’s a disconnect between progressive conservatives and their public voices. True conservatives are not opportunists who play to the crowd and in the process misrepresent others who are more tolerant. I am a progressive conservative who wants nothing to do with those who grandstand by smearing others who share different values, lifestyles and faith traditions. I am not driven by the fear of “rubbing elbows” with those who share a different worldview. I want to be a unifier, not a divider. I hope that this country gets back to sharing my ideal for fiscal responsibility, compassion, tolerance and unity. This is my passionate plea for America.

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